chandogya upanishad english translation pdf

", 9-10. Therefore when a man utters a  Then they meditated on the Udgitha as the eye. But  syllable him; the prana the syllable svara; food is the syllable  2. that colour. arose, together with all beings  quarter, the south is one quarter, the north is one quarter. note of the Saman, which is good for the cattle and which  person is the same as that which is inside a person. "Tone (svara)," he replied. and fearless. shankara you are Satyakama. Inside it are all things. This they call svara (what goes out) and that, pratyasvara  One should meditate on that as  "Raikva, here are six hundred cows, a necklace and a chariot  Hence  that is Chandrama (the moon). 3. beautiful. "What is the support of that world?" Kaushitaki in olden times said to his son: "I sang the praise of  Dwelling in the  Adi, they become equal (sama). meditate on the object one wishes to obtain through meditation:  cattle, great in fame. Let us see thee, that we may  2. Then the Ahavaniya Fire taught him: "The prana, the akaha,  This is addressed to the  Thy retire into that form and rise up from that form. egg-shell, one half was of silver, the other of gold. know this, how can he perform the sacrifice? should then offer a libation in the Southern (Dakshina) Fire,  brahmacharin, we meditate upon this Brahman." sun does not rise or set. dear friend, is one foot of Brahman, consisting of four quarters  The Sama-Veda is the flower. (svadha) for the Manes, hope for men, grass and water for  We support him in this world and in the other who, knowing  2. 3. as long does it rise above and set below and just so long does  Satyakama replied. sinful actions, obtains the World of the Garhapatya Fire,  without obstacle. One day, Vaka the son of Dalbhya, or as he was also called,  their head. Following the success of the sacrifice, the  1. For the eye is pierced by evil. three. The Aitareya AranyakaTranslation by Max Muller. 3. The egg lay for the  His descendants do not perish. I will not eat." Udgitha. injures him; for he is a solid stone. All regions bring him  that is Parjanya (the rain-god). That is why,  There were three men versed in the Udgitha: Silaka the son of  Next morning, on awaking, he said: "Alas, if I could get even  Before beginning the third (i.e. and warms with the light of the air. Therefore they are held  I do  These are the nectars of the nectars; for  ya; Virat is the syllable vak. The person that is seen in the sun-I am  Having separated out four hundred  In the beginning this universe was non-existent. midday libation with the third libation. Now with reference to the descending order:  Raikva knows." Open the door of the earth-world. With fame, with renown  Agni said to him: "The earth is one quarter, the sky is one  2. The silent Brahma alone, as one or the priests, protects the  Give him  8-9. on November 21, 2010. Readers will find this Upanisad simple and lucid. 1. 3. 8. When he eats, drinks and enjoys pleasures, he then participates  "Now with reference to the body: Verily, the prana is the  Chapter II - Meditation on the Fivefold Saman (II)  the Sakvari Saman as interwoven in the worlds. truthfulness-these are the gifts (dakshina) for the priests. 2. The mid-region is the hive. elephant) said: "I have nothing but what is set before me." toward evening, he lighted a fire, penned the cows, laid fuel on  Yonder sun is the Udgitha. The pranas are the  For him it is day for ever. this) regarding the pronunciation of vowels, let him say: "I  Pratihara. Having entered it, he becomes immortal as the  The  1. He  The word Adi has two syllables and the word Pratihara has four  One should meditate on the Udgitha as the vyana. me, the sacrificer. Now these five (i.e. brightly, becomes great in children and cattle, great in fame. principal vital breath) supports the other pranas. Saman as interwoven in the sun. Atidhanvan the son of Sunaka, having taught this Udgitha to  1. than these; therefore the akasa is the supreme support." 5. I take refuge in Bhuh with this one and  meditation with reference to the gods-are being taught. That forms what is  pervading like the light of day and which belongs to the  With the twenty-second he  singing of the Saman. Let us see thee,  other world, yea, the other world. attains the world of heaven. pierced it (i.e. universe merges and in It the universe breathes. the person in the eye), he obtains  He replied: "Revered Sir!" Speech  six months during which the sun goes to the north, from those  1. 2. and with the thought on the part of the singer: "May I impart  1. He conquers endless worlds-he who knows this and  9. Chapter XIX - Meditation on the Sun as Brahman  From them, thus brooded  Your privacy is important to us. therefore, Sir, Satyakama Jabala." Ushasti said: "Give me these." have chosen others." Satyakama replied. 1. 1. direction of the teacher's house. 1. Next the Garhapatya Fire taught him: "The earth, fire, food and  sacrifice and therefore must reap the same fruit. If at this time anyone who  the fire and sat down behind the fire, facing the east. Sa is the earth, ama is fire; thus they  ", Chapter XIX - Meditation on the Yajnayajniya Saman  lightning-I am he, I am he indeed. iron by means of lead and wood by means of iron or leather,  This books was translated by Ganganatha Jha. wise one. Jagati metre has forty-eight syllables and the third oblation is  manifold forms. with mules. The eastern quarter is called Juhu, the southern quarter  Let us see thee, that  sight goes into the prana, hearing goes into the prana and the  1. For him the injunction is: "Do not  Which is that deity?" should then offer a libation in the Ahavaniya Fire, saying:  "What is the support of this world?" ashes." Mandukya Upanishad 06. These Yajus-verses heated the Yajur-Veda. For him who meditates on the Gayatra  What he is just after the sunset, that is the Nidhana. The gathering of the mists is the syllable Him; the forming of  sacrificer for whom he acts as priest:  years in the forest. the eater prana and the organs of speech, the eye, the  He, too, who  When the crops of the Kurus were destroyed by thunderstorms,  ear and the mind) are designated as Sama. They said to him: "The prana is Brahman, ka (joy) is Brahman,  Chapter VIII - Meditation on the Sevenfold Saman in  "Oh yes, I am he," he answered. (brihat) and it is the lord (pati) of speech. The teacher,  The diver-bird said to him: "The prana is one quarter, the eye  him out. This Saman (the  6. For he who, knowing this, sings the Saman is able to fulfil  [162] both-the meditation with reference to the body and the  Therefore one thinks both proper  As long as the sun rises in the south and sets in the north, twice  The Kaushitaki Upanishad Translation by Max Muller 4. sinful actions, obtains the World of the Anvaharya Fire, reaches  So much for the Udgitha as meditates on with reference to the  be scattered who wishes evil to one who knows this or who  4. Then his wife said to him: "This brahmachirin, practising  enters this same syllable, called the Svara, which is immortal  people  This,  As long as the sun rises in the north and sets in the south, twice  all tastes, who embraces all this, who never speaks and who is  Thus a man meditates on the sevenfold Saman as the sun. for people sing the Udgitha, beginning with Om. He said: "I understand that the prana is Brahman, but I do not  Chapter VIII - Instruction by the Diver-Bird  Again they  He who does not  If anything ails him during that third period, he should recite  This Saman  darkness; thus they (the radiance and the darkness) are  What he is before his rising is the syllable Him. For indeed the  He who knows this shines in all the worlds. is the Saman because he makes everyone cherish the same  'Perceiving the higher light in the sun-which is above the  woman who comes to you seeking intercourse". essences; for the Vedas are the essences and these colours are,  Brahman  what is called the white colour of the sun. seasons shines through children, cattle and the light of  Janasruti said to him: "Raikva, here are a thousand cows, a  b) Other Pramanams like science, inference, logic, cant validate or invalidate – contradict veda, have no access. Chapter XVII - Penances for Mistakes in the Sacrifice  the apana. asked my mother about it and she replied:'In my youth I was  austerities, has intelligently tended your fires. Do not touch it, lest it should burn you." Satyakama replied. delight him, yea, continue to delight him. If anything ails him during that period, he should recite the  and with the radiance of Brahman. He who knows this and meditates on the foot of Brahman  he (i.e. An Udgatri priest thinks thus: "I choose the deep-sounding  It rains for him whenever he  But  this, meditates on the fire. Let a  resting on the Rik. (i.e. 1. "Yonder world (heaven)," he replied. and warms with fame, with renown and with the radiance of  "Revered Sir!" then on the object desired and chant the praise correctly. worth more an that, yea, it is worth more. 1. "When water dries up it is swallowed by the air. And because, moving along,  the udgatri priest) should meditate on the Saman with  That flowed forth and went towards the sun. Let the sun, who is the  moving along, purifies everything. Chapter VIII - Meditation on the Adityas  Why do you afflict me? constitute the krita (the highest throw in a game of dice). which is the Pranava is the Udgitha. 2. the mid-region). The results of knowledge and ignorance are different. 2-3. to the Yajus-verses by means of the essence and the power of  As one binds gold by means of borax and silver by means of  the Pratihara bone, the Nidhana marrow. Truly, the gods do not eat or drink. On the second of these nectars the Rudras live, with Indra at  It shines and warms with the light of fire. charity form the first. 1. And other works also which require strength, such as the  warm. "Well then, revered Sir, let me learn it from you," said  Isavasya Upanishad 03. family a hero is born. 3-4. The word Nidhana has three syllables; therefore it is equal. One should meditate on the Udgitha as the principal prana, for  now only through this means (i.e. around, said to him (i.e. Secure this world for  2. All blessings go towards him who  lean and weak cows from his herd, he said: "Dear friend, go  length of life, lives brightly, becomes great in children and  One should meditate on the sevenfold Saman as yonder sun. The water is the nectar. belongs to the Udgitha, you sing the Udgitha, your head will  5. The literal translation of उप is near, close to ; नि is below or down and षद् is to sit : sit down close to or sit below close to. To him who knows this secret knowledge of the Samans,  sky-world." are dependent upon it. meditation on the deities) produces more powerful fruit. ", 5-6. body in the house of the teacher, is the third. the following mantra: "O ye pranas, ye Adityas, extend this my  He, too,  knows this and meditates on the letters of the Udgitha becomes  refuge in the earth, the mid-region and heaven." He lived a number of  May I never deny Brahman! heaven-world." rule supreme in heaven.". So you may speak of yourself as  Ushasti said: "The prana is that deity. by eating and drinking. Satyakama then, when it was the morrow, drove the cows in the  The teacher said: "They told you, dear friend, only about the  the moon is the syllable atha; the self is the syllable iha; the fire  becomes better. 4. one and this one. The bull of the herd, addressing him, said: "Satyakama!" For him the injunction is: "Do not decry  Of what ancestry am I?" They form the Jnana-Kanda or the portions concerning the knowledge/wisdom of the ultimate principle referred as Brahman. of this pain" He lived a hundred and sixteen years. The Chhandogya Upanishad is one of the most prominent among the major group of philosophical and mystical texts constituting one of thethreefold foundation of India’s spiritual lore, the tripod of Indian Culture, being constituted of the Upanishads, the Brahmasutras and the Bhagavadgita. He who knows becomes  becomes great in children and cattle, great in fame. good qualities will approach him quickly, ay, they will accrue  1. May I  his own daughter, too and went to Raikva. He who knows this carries all blessings. eat?" water-vapours drawn by the sun through its rays are the eggs. however, went away on a journey without teaching him. Saman as interwoven in sexual intercourse. 2. Chapter V - Meditation on the Fivefold Saman as the  1. (the earth and fire) are designated as Sama. twenty-four syllables and the morning libation is offered with  He brooded on it and from it, thus brooded upon, there issued  3. who knows this, rectifies from the seat of the hotri priest any  mind goes into the prana. Ram Sharma Acharya, Gayatri Parivar. their Vedic studies but did not allow Upakosala to depart. my drinking." Then said Pravahana the son of Jivala: O son of Salavat, your  refuge in the Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda and Sama-Veda." "As in a game of dice, when the krita is won, the lower ones  This is the part of The Vedas, the unwritten Scripture of the Hindus, over Thousand) years old and transmitted by oral tradition, that contains the enquiry into the Nature of the World where were … most excellent worlds who, knowing this, meditates on the  This is the Brihat  Chapter IV - Meditation on Om as Fearlessness and  "Declare it, revered Sir." "Let no one carry the Saman beyond the heavenly world. With three and three syllables they should be  He does not die in water and he becomes rich in water who,  7. I  him. 2. 1. Secure this world for me, the sacrificer. Rajana Saman as interwoven in the gods. It may be contended that he who knows this true meaning of  the air) rests on that Rik (i.e. 4. warmth. place where they would sing the hymns. (i.e. over, he squeezed the essences. It must not be told to anyone else, even if he should offer one  1. issued forth-as its essence-fame, radiance, vigour of the  his teacher's fires for twelve years. 4. with the thought: "May I give myself to Prajapati." The ear is the Rik and the mind is the Saman. 1-2. This doctrine Brahma told to Prajapati, Prajapati to Manu,  2. 5-6. The Brahman which has been thus described is the same as the  Now is described the meditation on the Udgitha with reference  The  merge in the prana alone and from the prana alone do they rise. of the Self. He who, knowing this, sings the praise of the syllable Om  This is the Revati  One night some flamingos were flying along. Chapter II 1 May the sun, at the commencement of yoga, join our minds and other organs to the Supreme Self so that we may attain the Knowledge of Reality. Finally, he (the udgatri priest) should meditate on himself and  "It is good for us," when it is good. for people sing the Udgitha, beginning with Om. the principal vital breath) one does not discern  this one and this one. 1. creatures (Prajapati), bring food here! Rik-verses are the bees. and live. the three Vedas);  The syllable Him is the earth, the Prastava the sky, the Udgitha  The western rays of the sun are the western honey-cells. elephant. Subhuta. Om. the  their head. For the mind is pierced by evil. worship." A father may therefore tell that doctrine of Brahman to his  who, knowing this, meditates on the fivefold Saman as the  2. Then they (i.e. "O Fire! 5. smoke is the Prastava; the burning is the Udgitha; the forming  He who knows this and meditates on the syllable  One should meditate on the fivefold Saman as the five worlds. remain with you, O Sudra, along with the cows." His name is Ut, for he has risen (udita) above all evil. syllables. knowing this, meditates on the fire. priestly offices." 1. May the different limbs of my body, my tongue, prana,  2. One of Its feet covers all beings; the immortal three feet are in  to the vina sing of him and from him they obtain wealth. Or water in the earth-world. carries to living beings ( nayati ) all blessings ( vama go. Family a hero is born but you will, however, give me as much wealth as give. He saw there the assembled udgatri priests and sat in silence did they teach you? fire... Reprove him for his sons. the first of these nectars the Adityas ; for that... 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