how to keep deer from rubbing antlers on trees

I have a walking stick with a natural buck rub on it. The deer used the tree as a marker for their sent by rubbing their antlers on it twice! Chicken wire blocks the deer from reaching the tree trunk. The tree trunk diameters range from 2 - 6" in diameter. During the Rut the purpose is to secret their scent on the tree and surrounding area, they … Burlap wrapped shrubs are not exposed to any wildlife or weather conditions. And so they look for trees they can rub their antlers on that will help get that velvet off,” said Dan Zarlenga, with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Spraying each tree is a big effort, but we think its worth it so long as it works. They carry deer ticks which transmit this disease. How a Deer Antler Rub Can Damage a Fruit Tree. One of the most expensive and involved ways is to put up protective fencing around your yard. Install a 6 to 8 foot tall fence for tree protection. This would mean a fence that is 6 feet tall that deer can not jump over or get through. Consider any of these 6 preventive methods for protection so that your trees remain healthy and strong. The damaged bark also exposes sensitive plant tissue that is then susceptible to pests and diseases. Although browsing deer are charming to watch, they can cause extensive damage by feeding on plants and rubbing antlers against trees. They usually shed all their velvet in less than 24 hours. If inner wood is exposed to extreme cold temperatures, tree survival is at risk. The label on the repellent package says the formula is only supposed to keep deer from browsing the trees (which deer around our farm don’t seem to do), but we’ve found that it seems to keep bucks from rubbing trees as well. However, deer typically do not jump over 6 foot fences that they can not see through. And the end of rut season is when the buck sheds their antlers. This treatment is safe and not harmful to your plants/shrubs. The inner wood of the tree is exposed and unprotected by the bark. Hosta (Host sp. Your email address will not be published. Use a white or light colored plastic for tree trunk protection. They are not available to the public which is why we don’t reference product names in our article. Young trees left without bark are at risk of severe damage as temperatures drop. If you’re having problems with deer feeding on your trees/shrubs we’d love to help. During September or pre-rut the purpose of this is to get the velvet off the deer’s antlers once they start to harden. Many people in the past have assumed that it is due to the velvet that initially covers buck antlers. Protect trees from injury due to buck rub. Mary@FindingSeaTurtles, Your email address will not be published. The tree damage occurs during rut season or deer breeding period. But they’re also stations to deposit scent in the … For your shrubs, burlap … Bucks routinely will return to the same location year after year to remove their velvet. You can also make your own tree guards by using chicken wire just make sure the wire is taller than your average buck. This can cause blistering or cracking of the tree bark. In urban areas, home landscapes may become the major source of food. ), Candy Lily (Pardancanda x norrisii), Roses, Yews (Taxus sp.) These barriers makes access to the tree trunk impossible. The cut to size convenience makes this tree guard an easy solution for tree protection. First of all, throughout the year, starting in the spring, deer form new antlers that come with … Hi Joe, thank you for your feedback. They achieve this by rubbing their antlers against trees to remove the velvet and by thrashing and battering the tree. Fencing must be at least 6-8 feet tall to effectively keep deer out. The plastic mesh tree guards are available in rolls in several lengths. Again I thank you for your feedback and we will keep your opinion in mind for future articles. So a cedar or vinyl 6 foot fence may be enough to deter deer from jumping over. First, it is difficult to move deer out of areas where they are not wanted. The young 5 to 6 foot dogwood has some of the inner wood exposed. Garden, deer, or other fencing installed around the tree trunks prevents the deer from reaching the trunk. This photo above shows the damage to a young Japanese Maple Tree. To learn more, schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Arborists by calling 703-573-3029 or booking through our online scheduler. As Winter continues, food sources from green plants become more difficult to find. When deer rub their antlers against the tree it removes the tree’s cambium. Smaller trees seem to be the main target of this seasonal behavior. Once the velvet has done its job preparing the bucks’ antlers for the rigors they experience in the mate-attraction process ahead, it dries on the antlers and the deer scrape it off by whatever means available to them. Area repellents emit foul odors, which can deter deer from the general area. Your recent publication on How To Stop Deer From Feeding On Trees is of little value unless you provide your recommendation on a “special product that makes your shrubs taste bad.” It wasn’t worth my time to click it open and read it. If you already have deer damage on your tree it can not be reversed. There are tree guards that are made of mesh plastic netting. Our Arborists suggest utilizing mulching, bio-stimulants, preventative disease/insect treatments, proper watering, aeration, and regular pruning to help your tree recover from deer damage. Problem is, when it rains the repellant gets washed off and we have to spray the trees all over again. You notice vertical scrapes and shredded bark on the tree trunk area. The easiest option is for homeowners to purchase wire or plastic tree guards that wrap around the base of the tree. How to Protect a Tree from Deer Rubbing I like to use a black plastic plastic mesh (Amazon Aff) as a deer wrap for my trees. If you need help preventing deer damage or helping your tree recover from deer damage we can help. The image above, shows a tree guard wrapped around a young tree. This option protect trees from deer rub by making trees inaccessible to deer. There are also tree guards made from vinyl spiral that wraps loosely around the tree trunk. They wrap right around your tree’s trunk and prevent deer from rubbing up against the bark. Basically, their purpose is twofold. Deer can pose a serious aesthetic and economic threat. So, the rut season includes the entire deer breeding season which begins in early Fall. Take note of any broken branches and peeled or stripped tree bark on trees. During fall male deer are looking to clean their antlers of summer velvet, while at the same time marking territory during the breeding season. Tree guards are made of metal or plastic. Rubbing of the antlers on the bark can gouge and strip the bark from the trees causing anything from minor cosmetic damage to girdling which is fatal for the tree. This is why tree damage is also referred to as buck rub. And rest assured, that our solutions, while highly effective, don’t harm deer. If you live in a community with a large deer population, apply tree guards to all young trees. Several bucks and even does (female deer), may use the same area. For the wildlife enthusiast, the sight of a deer rubbing his antlers up against a tree may be a delightful experience… until you find out how much damage the tree has sustained. Apply Tree Guards to Protect Trees from Deer Rub, How to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden During the Winter, Deer Resistant Perennials: Stop Planting All-You-Can-Eat Garden Buffets. Protect trees from deer rub this Fall season. It is made of plastic mesh that deer are unable to penetrate. Rubbing their forehead and antlers against a tree, the deer or buck can severely damage a tree trunk. Just make sure the cages do not rub on existing tree branches. This rips away the tree’s bark and results in a “buck rub.” Deer and rabbits may begin to chew on tree trunk bark from younger trees. But, if you do find trees on your property that have been scraped up, depending on the extent of the scraping, there are measures to take, or not to take, to keep the trees healthy. PREVENT DEER RUBBING : Multi-Trunk Trees On a multiple trunk tree, or a tree that has branches low to the ground (such as my magnolias), a corrugated pipe will not work. You notice vertical scrapes and shredded bark on the tree trunk area. All you have to do is call 703-573-3029 to schedule a free consult with one of our Certified Arborists or book an appointment using our online scheduler (orange button in the upper right-hand corner of our website). The easiest way to stop deer from rubbing their antlers on your tree is to put up a physical barrier. Apply tree guards to trees right after they are planted. The wrapping needs to start at the lowest … ohDEER wants to note, too, with warm weather upon us, that our all-natural and toxic-free … However, it is not advised for Blue spruces otherwise their blue tint will be removed. Another reason bucks rub trees is to mark their territory with their scent. Rubbing their forehead and antlers against a tree, the deer or buck can severely damage a tree trunk. Because this is also a territorial action, the buck may revisit trees they like in subsequent years. The velvet covering the antlers is a soft membrane or layer of skin over growing antlers. Have you noticed deer rub damage to your trees? 9 Christmas Front Door Decorations to Greet Your Holiday Guests. There is a misconception about bucks who rub their antlers on trees. Bucks accelerate their antler velvet’s removal by rubbing their antlers on trees or raking them through brush. The bark appears to be peeled away or stripped from the tree. These are 6 preventive methods to protect your trees from the damaging effects of deer rub. At the latest, attach the tree guards prior to rut season. Deer damage can be costly, unsightly, and even deadly to trees and shrubs. Give us a call at 703-573-3029 or book an appointment with one of our Certified Arborists through our online scheduler. The vinyl spiral can be cut to any length to fit over the young tree. A Bachman gardener said don't put them on until the end of Oct. We're confused. Plastic Mesh tree guards can be found in hardware stores, garden stores, and home improvement supply stores. You've all heard, big deer rub on big trees - small deer rub on small trees. When a deer rubs its antlers, that is called a Buck rub. The bark appears to be peeled away or stripped from the tree. Male deer or bucks rub their antlers against trees for a variety of reasons. Perimeter Deer Fencing A good fence is the best way to keep deer away from your trees, shrubs and perennials. Rubbing on trees helps them shed their antlers. Bucks accelerate its removal by rubbing their antlers on trees or raking them through brush. During the fall and winter food can be scarce for deer. However, big deer will also rub on small trees, but small deer seldom rub on big trees. Wrap the tree trunk itself with chicken wire or a type of plastic tree guard. This rubbing removes the thin layer of bark on small trees and can seriously damage or destroy them. In some cases, this damage can have long term effects and disfigure your landscape. The tree guard protects the young tree from deer rub. Plastic tree wrap can be wrapped around the tree trunk. The black plastic mesh allows air to circulate around the tree yet is enough of an impediment to prevent the deer antlers from messing with the trunk. But this can't be true because antlers do not have nerve endings! Rubbing also peaks in late winter when the bucks shed their antlers. 1. Your email address will not be published. Use plastic tubes or pipes as a tree guard. When there are DIY options we do try to point those out; however, DIY options are not always effective and many times our trained Arborists advise against them because they can do more damage than good. This activity occurs over the evening hours beginning in the Fall. Also referred to as deer antler rub or buck rub, the damage can sometimes be extensive. Read on to learn how deer damage trees and how to protect your landscape investments from deer. Deer feeding on foliage can affect the plant’s shape and ability to feed itself through photosynthesis. SF Gate suggests the height of tree guards should be 4-5 feet tall for full protection. They seem to be especially attracted to sapling-sized trees, less than three inches in diameter. The best way to protect your tree is to physically block off deer with a fence or tree guard. Bucks routinely will return to the same location year after year to remove their velvet. This can … Install garden fencing around the tree trunk. Once a buck commences to rubbing off the antler felt, it usually completes the task in 24 hours. An 8 foot fence is needed to prevent deer from jumping over. To keep deer from rubbing trees, you’ll need a much more hands-on approach. Rubbing their antlers on fruit trees is an innate seasonal habit of male deer, or bucks, and it can be quite detrimental to the trees. We would love to know what your tree protection methods are. Early in the rut season, the intense rubbing by deer removes the velvet. This photo above shows the damage to a white Dogwood tree. To shed their velvet. The Golden Valley Forest Ranger said keep them on from mid- to late-August through mid-April. And so they look for trees they can rub their antlers on that will help get that velvet off,” said Dan Zarlenga, with the Missouri Department of Conservation. As you can see, the Magnolia tree is still with me today. Discouraged they will move on to the next tasty plant in the vicinity (usually your neighbor’s plants unless they get deer protection as well.). I’m sorry you felt our article was of little value. When the tree’s cambium is severely damaged the tree is at risk of dying. We found a very helpful and smart article online – actually in the form of a Q&A – published on January 3, 2014 in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – that offers information on how to deal with antler rubbing tree damage. The loose fitting vinyl spiral tree guard allows room for growth. Perhaps you need to keep it secret until I book a consultation with your advisor?? Plastic tubs or pipe guards are best suited for younger, smaller trees. Applying contact repellents on the tree should prevent chewing; however, it may not stop rubbing of its antlers. Tree guards protect the trunk of the young tree. Research … The scent attracts females during mating or rut season. Avoid tree damage from deer rub during the Fall and Winter months. When the food supply is low, deer will wander into your yards and gardens and feast on your plants, trees, and shrubs. For these, you will need to create a barrier that circles all of the trunk and/or branched area. Question 1: When should we wrap or install tree guards? Any kind of fence will work, although most people choose “deer fencing,” a black mesh fence made from heavy-duty plastic that’s typically 7.5 feet tall. Tree damage by deer is common in communities with large deer populations. Deer rub occurs when male deer rub their forehead and antlers against a tree trunk. Avoid deer rub tree damage to young trees by wrapping a tree with a tree guard. Three stakes driven into the ground around the tree may be enough to keep deer from rubbing the trunk. Shrubs will be protected from deer browsing, deer rub, cold winter winds, and fluctuating freezing temperatures . You can accomplish a physical barrier in a few ways. Buck rubs are visual signs, yes. The trick to keeping deer from eating your shrubs is to make these usually tasty feasts taste terrible. Wrap shrubs in burlap to protect them from frost and deer rub damage. We have several fairly young deciduous trees, and the local deer like to rub their antlers on them. Darker color tubes and pipes may produce heat from the Sun. And if you try any of these protect trees from deer rub options, let us know how you make out in the comments below! Euonymus (also called spindle, burning-bush, strawberry-bush, wahoo, or wintercreeper) is a favorite target of deer. Because deer lack upper incisors, browsed twigs and stems show a … Required fields are marked *.  In addition to the rubbing of antlers deer bucks will also put on a show of assertion by thrashing and battering against a tree. Deer can easily jump smaller fences. Also, the scent warns other bucks to stay clear of the area. A variety of sizes are available at lawn and garden stores. The velvet covering the antlers is a soft membrane or layer of skin over growing antlers. This would mean a fence that is 6 feet tall that deer can not jump over or get through. Bucks deposit their scent by rubbing their antlers and forehead on a shrub or young tree. This is an intentional act from the deer. Not only did the deer strip the lower limbs and scrap the bark of the tree, squirrels have been an issue as well. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6cfa8320fab86e5ff7579b5d0388af0" );document.getElementById("h80774faad").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Your email address will not be published. Repellent sprays are generally not effective for deer rub problems. Be a strong indicator that the bucks are marking their territory secret until I a! Vulnerable state unless the tree trunk protection main target of this is why we don ’ t harm.! Helping your tree it removes the thin layer of skin over growing antlers tree... Be enough to keep it secret until I book a consultation with your advisor? with chicken wire or if... Have assumed that it is made of plastic tree guard - small deer seldom rub on big -! 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